


Not applicable.

In most cases, you don't really want a localhosted site to be accessible from outside your machine, but there are certain circumstances where you may need to, if you're a multiple person team, and you're wanting to collaborate on MyRobotLab without sharing the same machine.

Enter Local Tunnel, you can find a copy of the download here:




Ubuntu computer (only Linux is supported at this time)

​This is a tutorial on how to write MyRobotLab services in Native Python.



For now, limited Java experience is still required to create a proxy service, but this may change in the future.

Basic knowledge of Linux and virtualenv is required, Google those if needed

Knowledge of the Python programming language



Firstly, install MRL as a dev environment, as explained in the Getting Started tutorial.

A short video showing how to upload MRLComm.ino to the Arduino using the Arduino IDE.

It is also possible to upload it using the WebGui, but I prefer to do it this way, since it's easier to understand what's happening.



1. Make a directory like c:\mrl  (warning no spaces in the name)
2. download the latest myrobotlab.jar from latest build and put it in the new directory so it looks like this


3. Start a command shell, type  

cd c:\mrl 

then type

java -jar myrobotlab.jar

It takes a while the first time on a computer - its extracting pieces of itself. But eventually a gui should come up. It should look like this.  You want to flip over to the "runtime" tab and press the menu System->Install All

After the services install, you should not need to download the services again.  Even if you make a new MRL directory somewhere else to try a different version - the services won't need to be downloaded, but will be copied from the local repo .. this makes it very fast.


This is a pre-tutorial post - to get parts together and organize the "real" Tutorial

Step 1 - Load the RasPi with the latest Wheezy Rasparian image.

Ok, so this is still possible with buld 1943

I pulled this of my Pi with the video streamer...


This tutorial is based on an older version of My Robot Lab (1695) and not the current bleeding edge. You can have more than one version MRL installed/unzipped on your computer.









Pan Tilt Kit

Face tracking using opencv + facedetect filter with my pan/tilt kit...

Facedetect filter is heavy, and webcam video flow delay from servos response...this leads to overshooting

GROG..i need a lighter facedetect stream is  slow when i apply pirdown and face detect :(

Here is the video...






This tutorial shows how to take a photo (webcam) and send it by email using VOICE CONTROL...

WARN : There are 3 version of the python script

1) simple one - only take a photo using voice

2) full version - it requires a gmail address-take a photo + send it by email (SEE THE TUTORIAL)

3)full version ITA - for CIX, italian users, or who wants to listen the computer talking in italian :D

Good vision :D





No additional hardware is needed for this tutorial

The MRLClient is a client adapter which allows other Java programs to interoperate with MyRobotLab.  Although the myrobotlab.jar can be included and used in a Java program directly, it may sometimes be desirable to communicate over the network with an adapter.

The MRLClient jar is a small binary which uses the network to send and recieve messages to a running MyRobotLab instance.  Other network adapters could be created for languages besides Java, but currently only Java is supported.